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I will hear what God the LORD will say: for He will speak peace to His people.
PSALM 85:8

There’s one thing I can tell you with certainty: I’ve never met a person who regretted obeying God. Sadly, too many people live in a storm because they’re running from Him. They think that if they drink enough, dull their pain with drugs, acquire plenty of money, or have the right relationships, somehow they will be to silence the raging waves of fear within them. But they’re wrong. They may block out the tempest for a while, but it always comes back with a vengeance.

But when you express a true desire for the Lord to help you something inside of you changes. He takes you to a deeper level of intimacy with Him and transforms you changing your very nature to quiet the storm within you.

Friend, you can’t find true joy and satisfaction by knowing just a little about the Savior. They are discovered through learning His ways, walking in fellowship with Him daily, and asking Him to make His desires yours. So don’t run from Him. Obey Him and allow Him to speak peace over your life.

Jesus, keep me close so I can follow Your lead and learn more about your ways, amen.

In His presence… trust Him to quiet the storms.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 250).


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