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How blessed is the man who has made the LORD his trust. PSALM 40:4

Are you standing at a crossroads, wondering whether you can really trust God? He is pointing you in a particular direction and outwardly you may say, “I believe He will help me.” But deep inside you wonder whether He will really come through for you.

Friend, you may be standing at the brink of a blessing, and the only thing standing between you and what your heart desires is a step of faith. Of course God understands that you feel torn about the future. He knows that trusting Him more is a process— one that’s often long and challenging. But you can do it! You can put your complete faith in Him, knowing He has never failed to keep any of His promises— not one of them (Joshua 21: 45).

You may not fully comprehend what is ahead because God’s ways are beyond your human ability to understand them (Isaiah 55: 8). But be assured that His Holy Spirit is there to guide you every inch of the way (John 16: 13). So take His direction, step out in faith, and receive all He has for you.

God, thank You for giving me Your Holy Spirit to guide me and help me understand Your ways, amen.

In His presence . . . find wisdom and guidance.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 256).


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