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To me, living means living for Christ. PHILIPPIANS 1:21 NLT

When the Lord doesn’t answer your prayers in the way you hope, do you accept His will? Or do you get angry, doubt Him, and question His character? When circumstances turn negative, do you immediately accuse Him of being unloving? Or do you voice your trust that your sovereign, wise, and loving God has allowed the adversity for a purpose—for your good and His glory?

The reason for these questions is to ascertain if there is any self-centeredness in your life—to determine whether you’re more concerned with your wishes and goals than you are with God’s will.

If so, do not be surprised or discouraged. This is part of the sin nature the Father is purging from your life. He wants you to trust Him fully—with absolute faith that He provides the absolute best for you regardless of what happens. And His ultimate goal is to bring you to the point of saying, “What God wills is what I want. What pleases Him is what I desire. Because for me, to live means exalting Christ who saved me.”

Jesus, thank You for saving me and cleansing me of self-centeredness. Help me live in a manner that reflects You and Your desires, amen.

In His presence . . . dedicate your life to Christ.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 261).


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