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“Do not worry about your life.” MATTHEW 6:25 NIV

Has anxiety become a way of life for you? Are you living in a constant state of uncertainty and worry? Fear will arise whenever you respond to a problem or troubling situation on your own—without going to God first and seeking His help and power.

The Lord gives you the gift of free will—you can choose what you do, how you feel, what you think about, and even how you’ll respond when faced with a problem.

With this in mind, the Father may allow an overwhelming situation to arise in your life in order to develop and strengthen your faith, mature you spiritually, or to change a bad habit or negative attitude. Through your circumstances, He gives you the opportunity to seek Him, trust Him, obey Him, and cast your cares into His able hands.

Therefore, understand your anxiety is an indication that you need God. Every time you sense fear rising up within you, go to your all-powerful, infinitely wise Father. And give Him thanks that He is at work, teaching you to trust Him more, obey Him faithfully, and receive more of His blessings.

Father, I won’t be anxious, for You are with me. Thank You for releasing me from the bondage of fear, amen.

In His presence . . . find freedom from anxiety.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 262).


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