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My salvation and my honor depend on God; he is my mighty rock, my refuge. PSALM 62: 7 NIV

Thoughts of failure will almost always stir up feelings of anxiety and fear: If I fail, what will others think of me? But realize that failure is sometimes engineered by God for a purpose— so you’ll recognize your need to trust the Lord in every aspect of your life. Whether your failure relates to a particular sin that seems impossible to conquer, a disastrous relationship, or an unsuccessful venture into ministry or business, it helps you understand how absolutely dependent you should be upon God in every detail.

Of course, this is often a hard-learned lesson. As fallen, sinful human beings, we’re used to striking out on our own—even when we’re attempting to do something in the Savior’s name. But when we do so in our own strength—rather than trusting in Him—failure is imminent.

Friend, don’t make that mistake. Learn the invaluable lesson and depend upon God in everything you do. Because when you trust Him for your success, you’ll experience an incredible freedom and peace. And reaching that point will make every failure worthwhile.

Lord, help me depend fully on You. Thank You for always leading me to victory, amen.

In His presence . . . acknowledge your dependence on Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 276).


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