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Not one word has failed of all His good promise. 1 KINGS 8:56

God always keeps His word. If He has given you a specific promise, you can be assured He will fulfill it. It may not be according to your timetable or expectations, but it will always be right in line with His will for your life.

Many times people become disillusioned with God because they do not actually see Him at work. They realize that He is leading them in a certain direction so they trust Him, walk closely beside Him in faith, and believe that He will fulfill His promise. But when nothing changes, adverse circumstances arise, or conditions move in the opposite direction, they panic and give in to thoughts of defeat.

If you are in such a situation, take courage. This waiting time and the seeming hindrances to God’s promise are simply an opportunity to build your testimony of faith. The Lord has not failed or forgotten you. He is simply operating in the unseen— working everything out in a manner too wonderful for words.

Therefore, rest easy. He has never gone back on His promise and never will. His fulfillment is coming. Praise His name.

Father, I know You will always fulfill Your promises to me—therefore I will wait for You in hope, amen.

In His presence . . . trust His promises.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 281).


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