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The LORD loves justice and does not forsake His godly ones. PSALM 37: 28

Is there someone God has brought to your mind that you need to forgive? Perhaps you’re worried that if you pardon that person, the Lord will go too easy on them and it won’t be fair.

The conflicting feelings you’re dealing with aren’t new. Throughout history, people have been challenged to forgive as Christ did. In fact, one of the most stunning examples is how the early church pardoned Paul. Before he was saved, he persecuted Christians viciously (Acts 8: 1– 3).

But after Paul accepted Christ, God challenged the church— the very people Paul had terrorized— to reach out to him in love (Acts 9: 10– 16). Thankfully, the people in the early church obeyed God and forgave him, freeing Paul to become a powerful witness.

You should forgive too. There is no telling what God wants to do through you or through the person who hurt you. The one thing you do know is that as long as you harbor unforgiveness, you’re not going to be free. So don’t be afraid to let God handle the situation. His plan of justice for your offender may surprise you.

Father, this is a helpful reminder to me to overcome evil with good—to forgive as You would, amen.

In His presence . . . relinquish retribution to Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 287).