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Shout! For the L ORD has given you the city. JOSHUA 6:16

As Joshua looked at the fortifications of Jericho, he realized that taking the city would be no small task, especially with the seemingly impenetrable wall that stood before him.

However, God promised Joshua that Israel would triumph, and Joshua believed Him. And for generations to come, the children of Israel would ask about the onslaught at Jericho, to which their parents would respond that it was by shouts and trumpet blasts that the walls were destroyed, because the Lord’s power was with them. No battering ram, no warfare strategy was necessary—only obedience (Joshua 6).

Friend, is there a problem impeding your progress today? The lesson for you is that God will show you how to overcome every obstacle by His power. It may not be what you expect—in fact, the Father’s methods will certainly surprise you. But He knows exactly what is needed to lead you to triumph. Therefore, do exactly as He says. Then shout His praises and trust Him to give you the victory.

Lord, I give You all my obstacles, for I know that You alone can lead me to victory over them, amen.

In His presence . . . praise Him for leading you to triumph.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 288).


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