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Submit therefore to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.

Have you ever felt attacked by the enemy? He uses various means to cause you to lose faith in the Father. He stirs up your doubts and anxiety with questions such as, “If God is with you, then why has this happened?” Do not listen to the enemy—stand firm against him. His goal is to paralyze you with fear and lead you to destruction. Resist him.

How do you do so? By voicing your faith in Jesus. The best way to stand against the evil power that seeks to thwart the plan of God in your life is to speak about your faith in the Lord out loud. Your powerful, all-knowing, loving Savior is your peace—there is no need to live in fear. You will trust Him, and the Father will deliver you.

Your enemy cannot stand hearing the Lord exalted, so when you do this, he flees from you. Therefore, in moments when fear, doubt, and anxiety arise, recognize the devil’s attack and defeat him by praising the name of Jesus!

Father, thank You for loving me, saving me, and delivering me! You are my perfect Protector. To You be all power, glory, and praise, amen.

In His presence . . . you always have hope and victory.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 296).


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