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Those who seek the L ORD shall not lack any good thing. PSALM 34:10 NKJV

It is not part of God’s plan for you to lie awake at night, tossing, turning, and wondering, How am I going to pay my bills? Have I saved enough for retirement? How am I going to provide for my family? or any other concern that you may have.

Friend, be assured that the Lord—the Owner of heaven and earth—supplies all your needs. None is too massive, problematic, or severe for Jesus to meet it (Philippians 4:19).

So why do you still lack peace? The problem may be that you accept the idea of the Lord’s provision in your head, but you don’t believe in your heart that He will really take care of you. Perhaps somewhere within you, you don’t feel worthy of His blessings.

Settle the issue once and for all in your heart and mind. God is your Provider. He will meet your needs as you trust and obey Him.

So whatever it is you require today—emotional healing, employment, a friend, reconciliation—trust your heavenly Father to meet your need and give Him the praise.

Lord, thank You for providing me all that’s required for a full, satisfying, and purposeful life. I will trust in You, amen.

In His presence . . . wait expectantly for His provision.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 300).


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