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The Lord spoke to Paul in a vision and told him, “Don’t be afraid! Speak out! Don’t be silent!” ACTS 18:9 NLT

Ancient Corinth was a difficult place to live, especially for believers. It was a port city—one that embraced visitors from all over the known world. However, its atmosphere of open commerce brought with it paganism, wicked practices, and every kind of immorality.

But Corinth was also a place that desperately needed the gospel and could become a strategic communication center for the good news of salvation. Therefore, God sent Paul there—and the apostle faithfully proclaimed the message despite opposition.

Likewise, you may be in a place that appears somewhat hostile to the gospel. Friend, do not abandon the post the Lord has given you or hide your faith. The Father is aware of your situation—including your fears, failings, and enemies.

So take courage and obey Him in teaching His truth. You are His messenger to those who need it most, and—just as He did for Paul—He will make you victorious in your labors.

Lord, let me be a light in darkness, bringing the gospel to those who need it most. Help me stay close to You and obey so others can be saved, amen.

In His presence . . . be bold in proclaiming His salvation.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 310).


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