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“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”

When you feel tired and defeated, remember: everything in your life flows out of your relationship with God. The more stressful and trying your circumstances, the greater your need is to experience His presence—not less.

So if you are weary and burdened today, spend time with your heavenly Father. You may think to yourself, I can’t possibly fit one more task into my schedule. But you will be amazed at how your fellowship with the Lord will increase your effectiveness.

Therefore, be emotionally transparent with God and allow His Spirit to speak to your heart. Confess your sins and disappointments. Permit Him to expose the places where you are reticent to trust Him, and acknowledge when He reveals your fears. Finally, ask Him to increase your love for Him and your stamina for the tasks before you.

Only the Father can give you the strength, energy, and wisdom you need today. So go to Him and rest in His grace. Surely you will find all you need in His presence.

Lord, You know I’m weary. Strengthen me with Your glorious presence. Thank You for making Your wisdom, power, and presence available to me, amen.

In His presence . . . receive His wisdom and strength.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 315).


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