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Teach me Your way, O LORD , And lead me in a level path. PSALM 27:11

Most people don’t like to admit when they don’t know something. Even if it means going in circles for hours, many of us would rather stumble upon the right answer ourselves than ask for help.

The same can be said of our Christian walk. We may believe that the Father has a specific purpose for our lives and unique blessings set aside for us, and yet not seek Him to tell us what He has planned. But how can we arrive at God’s destination if we do not consult the only One who knows where we are going and how to get there?

Friend, God’s will is not something that you can find through trial and error. Rather, you discover it through your intimate relationship with Him—through prayer and Bible study as you strive to know Him better.

If you have been on a quest to “find God” or “track down His will,” stop searching and simply talk to Him. He knows where you are, and He knows exactly where you need to go. No roadmap could promise more.

Father, may I not waste precious time wandering when I can go directly to You and seek direction for my life, amen.

In His presence . . . find direction.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 317).


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