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It is better to take refuge in the LORD than to trust in man. PSALM 118:8

God is the only One who can truly satisfy your heart’s desire for wholeness. When you feel lonely or disconnected, what you’re really sensing is your soul’s longing to be one with Him. And He alone knows how to bring that profound intimacy about in your life.

Once you recognize this and turn to the Lord to satisfy your loneliness, you are in a healthier position to receive the love and affection of the people God sends to you. Rather than become emotionally dependent on them, you are able to contribute to their lives and be involved in a wholesome, caring, mutual relationship with them.

However, understand the Lord is a jealous God. He wants a relationship with you, and if He sees that you’re relying on another person to do what only He can, He often finds a way to end that relationship as it once was.

Only the Savior can provide everything you need to live a peaceful, joyful, fulfilling life. So look to Him first and foremost to satisfy the needs of your heart.

Father, please forgive me for looking to others to fill my needs. Refocus my heart on Your wonderful presence and provision, amen.

In His presence . . . take refuge in His perfect provision.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 319).


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