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 “The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost.” LUKE 19:10

What is God like? Although you may be tempted to base your view of Him on what you’ve been taught or on your experience with your earthly father, have you learned who He really is?

God incarnate, Jesus always treated people with the utmost kindness, respect, and generosity. We can see this in His relationship with Zaccheus—who was often despised by others because he was a tax collector for Rome and was dishonest in his dealings. But Jesus didn’t condemn Zaccheus. No, Jesus told him to climb down from the sycamore tree so He could draw him to salvation.

Likewise, throughout the Gospels we see Jesus healing, comforting, restoring, and delivering people from bondage. He wept when His friends were hurting, laughed with them in their joys, and forgave their sins so that they could enjoy eternal life with Him forever.

Thus is the character of God—the One who calls you into a profound relationship with Himself. He is holy, kind, powerful, and loving. So draw near to Him and experience what He’s really like.

Lord, thank You for accepting me just as I am! I love You. Reveal Yourself to me, amen.

In His presence . . . experience who He really is.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 320).


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