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“I know the plans I have for you, . . . plans to give you hope and a future.”

Are you aware that God knows exactly where you are and what you are doing right now? Contrary to popular thought, you are not bouncing haphazardly through time and space.

The Creator who formed the universe and everything in it has a specific plan for every person on earth—and He has already set everything in place to provide you with a bright future. This is not just in heaven, but also here on earth. The Lord God has great purposes for you. There is hope!

Friend, your eternal future is secure—and because of that you can rejoice. However, God is also intimately interested in your day-to-day living. All of those details, joys, and troubles you yearn to share with another—He wants you to take them to Him because only He can truly be trusted to guide your daily steps. So invite Him into your decisions. He knows how to get you where He wants to take you.

Father, I am so thankful that You are interested in my day-to-day living. Lead me where You would have me go and what You would have me do, amen.

In His presence . . . entrust your future to Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 323).


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