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You were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body. 1 CORINTHIANS 6:20 NKJV

There you are, driving down the interstate. And suddenly, there it is—you zoom past a police car. It is a moment of self-realization. Drivers aren’t supposed to surpass the speed limit, and when you see that officer, you feel the guilt. What will the penalty be if he catches you?

But consider, how often do you go about your day and suddenly find yourself caught in a moment of spiritual awareness? You’re doing what you shouldn’t—pursuing lusts, gossiping, giving in to anger, or feeding your mind with things that don’t honor God. If the Lord appeared before you, how would you respond?

The truth is, God is always beside you—seeing everything that you do. And there are always consequences to your disobedience. Thankfully, you can take joy in the fact that the eternal penalty for your sin has already been forgiven—Jesus paid your fine on the cross. But that is never a reason to continue in sin. Rather, declare your gratefulness to Him by honoring Him with your body.

Lord, thank You that my spiritual debt has been paid in full. Please help me obey You so others may know You as their Savior too, amen.

 In His presence . . . honor Him with your actions.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 328).


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