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“God has given Midian and all the camp into his hand.” JUDGES 7:14

Gideon understood fear and hopelessness. Accompanied by a very small army, God called him to defeat the numerous and mighty troops of Midianites. The task seemed absolutely impossible and doomed to failure. Then the Lord gave Gideon the news: his small, insignificant band of soldiers was to be reduced even further. Why? To bring God more glory when the tiny army of Israelites gained the victory over the vast legions of Midianites.

Have you ever encountered such a challenge—where your meager resources were cut even further and your only recourse was to trust the Father? Take heart—the more impossible your circumstance seems, the more glory God will receive when your situation is rectified.

Therefore as conditions become more unbearable and the odds build against you, do not be discouraged. The Lord faithfully gave the victory to Gideon, and He will do so for you as well. Trust Him and watch Him triumph.

Lord, I will trust that You are unlimited in power, wisdom, and love and will never fail to help me, amen.

In His presence . . . be equipped for the impossible.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 332).


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