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“Neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.” JOHN 8:11 NIV

The woman must have been terrified. According to the Law, she was to be stoned to death, for she had been caught in adultery. Did Jesus condemn her? No. He simply told her to move forward and leave her past behind . But often that’s easier said than done.

This is because there are constantly messages that are playing in our minds—reminding us of past mistakes and the unkind ways others have judged us. To turn off these painful thought patterns that drag us down, we must have a close, personal relationship with Jesus and allow Him to teach us who we really are.

Friend, it’s time to move forward and leave your past behind—taking action against those destructive messages. When old thoughts arise, causing you to trust God less, despise yourself, or doubt that He has a great future planned for you, decide, “I’ll not have any more of that!” Make the choice to accept what Jesus says about you and trust that His truth will set you free.

Thank You, God, that I can claim full freedom and victory over my past. Help me turn off destructive messages permanently by replacing them with Your truth, amen.

In His presence… embrace the truth.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 338).


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