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“He who offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me.” PSALM 50:23

Today, offer the Father a sacrifice of thanksgiving. Even if everything is awry and you’re feeling discouraged, praise Him anyway. How do you do so?

Deliberately look for reasons to be grateful even in the most difficult of your circumstances. Review all the ways He’s helped you in the past. Rejoice in His character, His love for you, and the salvation He’s freely given you. List all the blessings you can think of which are yours in Christ. Personalize the promises the Lord has made you in His Word. And ask the Spirit of God to bring His truth to life as you seek to exalt Him throughout the day.

As you consider the great blessings the Father has given, you will certainly find your heart full of thanks and praise—not only for what God has done for you, but for what He will continue to do in the future. So set your heart to worship God and expect Him to honor you for exalting His name.

Father, You have blessed me with life, salvation, and, best of all, Your abiding presence. Help me glorify You today and every day, amen.

In His presence . . . make the sacrifice and praise Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 346).


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