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Blessing and glory and wisdom and thanksgiving and honor and power and might, be to our God forever.

There is absolutely nothing so wonderful as simply abiding in the presence of holy, almighty God—learning about Him and getting to know Him better. Of course, if you have no idea who He is, it will be difficult for you to be still and worship Him. But when you see Him as He really is, you won’t be able to keep quiet about Him. You’ll want to praise Him with everything in you.

So right now, clear your mind of troubles and concerns. Imagine yourself before His immense and glorious heavenly throne. Think of His astounding beauty, His unfailing power, His magnificent wisdom, His overwhelming love.

Not only do you serve the gracious and sovereign King of kings, but He has invited you to be with Him for eternity and you have constant access to His mighty throne.

So thank Him. Gratefully recall all the ways He’s shown you His love and provision. Worship Him and sing His praise. Know Him deeply, friend. And catch a glimpse of the joy of heaven.

Lord, You are worthy, powerful, and magnificent! Help me know You in the fullness of Your glory! Amen.

In His presence . . . praise His glorious name.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 347).


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