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I will rejoice and be glad in Your lovingkindness, because You have seen my affliction.
PSALM 31:7

As you ready yourself to face the day, you have a choice: you can either grumble about your troubles or you can turn your mind to the Father in praise. Before you decide, realize this important truth: there is power when you give thanks to the Lord . Not only do you honor God as He deserves, but you also refocus your attention to His positive attributes rather than your negative circumstances—and that sets you up for victory.

Of course, if you’re facing a painful trial, this may be a difficult principle to practice. It takes an act of your will. However, be assured, you do untold good to your spirit when you place your trust in the Father through praise.

So don’t wait—make the choice to exalt Him, confident that He’ll turn your situation from hopeless to triumphant. The Father is in absolute control and He won’t let you down. And when you understand what His ultimate purpose is for you, you’ll see why it’s so wise to thank Him in every circumstance.

Lord, I adore You! You are magnificent—worthy of honor and always triumphant! How grateful I am for Your love, amen.

In His presence . . . exalt Him.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 350).


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