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Don’t you realize that you become the slave of whatever you choose to obey?

It can be painful to give up what you’ve become attached to—and even more excruciating when your desire is not sinful, but God requires you to let go of it for His reasons. But understand, the aim of the Holy Spirit is to help you abandon yourself to Christ in every area of your life. Only then can His power flow unhindered through you into the lives of others.

So consider—is there anything that you don’t want to give Jesus access to? Is there anything you’re unwilling to leave behind for His sake?

Remember, to follow Christ requires that you release everything to His care. What He allows you to keep will be for your good and His glory. But all else must go if His power is to flow through you.

So today, pray until you’re willing to say, “Everything I am and all that I have are Yours, Lord Jesus.” Because that, friend, is true freedom.

Lord, I give myself to You wholeheartedly. Reveal any area that I’ve reserved for myself and help me let go, amen.

In His presence . . . give everything to Jesus.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 357).


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