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When the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son.

This Christmas, are you waiting for some precious promise to be fulfilled? Do not despair—God always keeps His word. Yet just as the Savior appeared in a way and time that were completely unexpected to anyone—so will the blessings He has for you.

For example, the nation of Israel thought the Messiah would appear during a time of national crisis. But the Lord had better plans. He waited until the message of the gospel could be carried to the ends of the earth so the whole world could embrace the good news.

How Christ came contradicted the Israelites’ expectations as well. They imagined a great conqueror who’d build the kingdom of Israel—not a baby in a manger. Yet Jesus had a greater purpose—saving their souls, not just their land.

Therefore, if you’re discouraged because God’s promise to you is not yet fulfilled—remember, His answer may not appear in the manner or time you suppose. But rest assured, He has greater plans than you can imagine. So continue to trust and obey Him completely, and anticipate the blessings He’s promised you with joy.

Lord, I will trust Your ways and timing. Thank You for always providing beyond what I imagine, amen.

In His presence . . . trust His plan.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 377).


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