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A Deep Relationship

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon ME, because He anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor. He has sent Me to proclaim release to the captives.” Luke 4:18

There may be aspects of yourself-your choices, history, or circumstances-that are difficult to face. In fact, that may be so painful that you just want to black them out. You’d rather no one know about them-especially not God.

But understand, the Father is not surprised or repulsed by your profound wounds, fears, and failings. He knows all about them, and His response is to pursue you and heal you fully. This is why He sent Jesus to save you (Romans 5:8).

This is also why He invites you into an intimate relationship with Him-communion with Him that goes far deeper than what you see, touch, and feel. He desires for you to encounter His presence in the depths of your personhood where true freedom and healing take place. So don’t be afraid to be honest with Him, because that’s the path to genuine peace and strength.

Father, I’m so grateful that when you see my failings, Your compassionate desire is to heal me. Thank You for helping me walk in Your freedom, amen.

In His presence… you are
accepted, liberated, and empowered.


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