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Into The Unknown

“I will lead the blind by a way they do not know, in paths they do not know I will guide them.” Isaiah 42:16

At times, God will beckon you to step out into the unknown. Perhaps this is what you face today—the choice and the situations ahead are new, unusual, and you’re not quite sure how to handle them. This is the essence of the call of faith. The Father bids you to do the unfamiliar or to go in a direction that is untried.

Just remember, if the way were known to you—if you could handle it in your strength and wisdom—this would not be a step of faith for you. It would carry no potential for revealing the Father’s character, love, power, and wisdom in your life.

So whatever God is challenging you to do, remember He will employ the full power of heaven to ensure you are able to triumph in it. Your responsibility is simply to seek, trust, and obey Him as He directs you.

Lord, lead me; I will follow! I will go wherever You send me. You see the path ahead and will not fail or forsake me. keep me in the center of your will, amen.

In His presence… step into
the unknown with confidence.


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