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Releasing Offenses

If you see a Christian brother and sister sinning in a way that does not lead to death, you should pray, and God will give that person life. 1 John 5:16

When you see a brother or sister in Christ disobeying the Lord, it can be disheartening. What should you do with the feelings of disillusionment that flood your heart?

First, never allow another person to distract you from your relationship with God. Instead, cling to the promise that He will never fail you, even when others do.

Second, pray for the person in the hope that he will turn back to Christ. If the individual has done anything to wound you, forgive him and refuse to harbor bitterness.

Third, draw comfort from the Holy Spirit. When you are grieved by issues that displease God, remember that He is your greatest source of encouragement and the One who will redeem the situation.

Friend, pray for the person who disappoint you and release him to the Lord. Your savior can handle the situation—so don’t allow it become a stumbling block in your heart.

Lord, I pray that                     will acknowledge their
offense and turn back to you. Help me forgive them

and draw comfort from Your Holy Spirit, amen.

In His presence… trust Him to restore the believer.


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