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Are You Listening?

“Oh that my people listen to me… With honey from the rock I would satisfy you. Psalm 81:13,16

Even now God is drawing you near to Him. He wants you to know Him intimately—to experience His profound love and presence deep within your utmost soul. He has truth to reveal to you—lessons His Holy Spirit will teach you only when you take time to quietly focus on Him.

You may wish to pray to the Father because of all the issues that press on your heart, and that’s fine. But realize that wisest thing you could ever do is sit silently before Him with His Word open in front of you. Because it’s during those times of communion that He allows you to catch a glimpse of absolutely astounding character and wisdom.

Don’t miss out on the overwhelming blessing of knowing God as simply abide in His presence. There is no deeper joy, no greater energizer, no more worthy use of your time than experiencing Him. Sit quietly and enjoy. He loves to be known.

Lord, I love You and long to know you. Please speak to my spirit and reveal Yourself to me through Your Word, amen.

In His presence… experience the living God.



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