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Strong, Steadfast, Immovable

We who have fled to Him for refugee have great confidence as we hold to the hope that lies before us. This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. Hebrews 6:18-19

Some days you may feel as if God is distant and find it difficult to sense His presence. This can be especially true if your circumstances are changing as a rapid pace.

Yet Hebrews 13:8 promises, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” Your savior has not moved; His love for you is powerful, unshakable, and eternal (Jeremiah 31:3)—an anchor for your soul no matter what happens.

Still, whenever you sense your relationship with God growing cold, it’s wise to examine your heart. Have you been distracted from seeking Him? Are you more concerned with the details of your life than your relationship with Him? Have you compromised and biblical principles?

Like a boat in turbulent waters, it’s easy to draft from Him if you’re not anchored to the truth of His word. So return to Him by opening Scripture and listening for His voice. Then, no matter what happens, you’ll certainly be strong, steadfast, and immovable.

Father, don’t let me drift. Draw me close and reveal the nearness of Your presence through Your Word, amen.

In His presence… stay anchored and strong.



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