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The Sense Of His Plan

I remain confident of this; I will see the goodness of the Lord. Psalm 27:12

Is there anything in your life that just doesn’t make sense? You’ve tried to figure it out, but the question persists. Why would God allow such difficulties to plague you?

You’re not alone. The greatest earthly ruler of Israel, David, most likely felt this way at times. After God called him to be king. David spent years running away from King Saul, who actively sought to kill him. David must have wondered why the Lord was taking so long to place him on the throne.

It might have been confusing and disheartening to David, but God knew exactly what He was doing. During that time, He was meticulously preparing David to honor Him in everything—strengthening David’s faith for the battles he would face as king.

Likewise, the Father may be using adversity to prepare you for as important assignment. So don’t fret, fear, or rely on your own understanding about your situation. It will make sense eventually (Romans 8:28). Trust God regardless of how your circumstances appear and He will lead you perfectly (Proverbs 3:5-6).

Lord, thank You for training me to experience Your wonderful planes for my life. I will trust you, amen.

In His presence… be assured His plane is good.



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