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The Great Gardener

“Every branch that bears fruit,…He prunes it so that it may bear more fruit… Abide in me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself.” John 15:2,4

If you were to list all your afflictions, burdens, and challenges, it might seem overwhelming. You know that the Father has allowed it all for a good reason. But you may be frustrated with yourself for not being able to accomplish more or muster the energy for the next step.

Do not despair. The difficulties are not evidence of His displeasure, but of the wonderful potential He sees in you. Your Savior, Protector, and Provider is also your Great Gardener, and He knows exactly how to help you flourish. He trims areas that drain your energy, removes decaying parts, and harvests the fruit so more may grow. It’s all for good, even if it’s painful for a season.

So how do you take the next step today? By abiding in Him and allowing His ability, energy, inspiration,and power to flow through you in His way and time. He is the Vine; you are the branch. Let Him do the sustaining.

Lord, I trust You as my Great Gardener. Thank You for helping me grow. Help me bear good fruit for You, amen.

In His presence… abide.



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