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His Image

Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.
1 Corinthians 15:49

God does for you what you cannot do for yourself–even some things you do not know to ask for. In fact, He will put you in situations specifically to reveal His goodness to you and work His character in you because He knows it’s what you need most.

You see, the Father’s goal for your life is far better than merely making you prosperous, popular, or healthy–though those gifts may follow. Rather, His objective is to conform you to His likeness–teaching you how to enjoy genuine, profound, eternal life and reflect His glory (Romans 8:29).

You may not realize how deeply your soul cries out to be like Jesus, but it does. And because He’s your Creator, He knows what would truly satisfy you and give you purpose.

So don’t degrade or devalue yourself because of the situation you see before you. Just realize you are being conformed to the image of the Most High God. And He is doing in you what you cannot do for yourself so that others can see Him through you (2 Corinthians 4:7).

Lord Jesus, thank You for meeting my profound need to be like You, amen.

In His presence… reflect His glory.



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