9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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A Secure Relationship

Perfect love casts out fear.
John 4:18

Friend, do you have any doubts that God really loves you? If you’re uncertain about how He sees you, it would explain some of the anxieties you feel. You see, whenever you fear someone is going to hurt you, you hide your true self from them. You don’t develop the intimate relationship that inspires trust and safety. Sadly, when you do so with the Savior, you close yourself off from experiencing the wonderful security, joy, and fulfillment He offers.

But be assured, your heavenly Father wants to put all your uncertainties to rest so that you can enjoy His freedom. In Jesus, your eternal life is absolutely secure. He promises, “No one will snatch you out of My hand” (John 10:28). Likewise, He guarantees that nothing in all creation can separate you from His unconditional love (Romans 8:38-39).

Friend, God wants you to have a healthy relationship with Him and enjoy the wonderful blessings He has for you. So seek His face and ask Him to reveal His love. Surely doing so will drive out your fears.

Lord, reveal Your perfect, unconditional love to me. Draw me close, drive out my fear and make our relationship deep, strong, and unshakable, amen.

 In His presence… find security in His love.