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The Challenge To Obey

I trust in You, O LORD. Psalm 3:14

For your growth, God may challenge you to obey Him in an area that is particularly difficult. In fact, He may strike at the very foundation of your worldly security so you’ll rely on Him.

Such was the case of the widow of Zarephath. After a terrible drought, all she had left to feed her son was a handful of flour and a little oil. It was just enough for one more small meal. Yet God challenged her to give it to His prophet Elijah (1 Kings 17:1-16).

It would’ve been understandable if she’d been afraid to give up her last bit of nourishment—especially after so much suffering. But she obeyed. And because of her faith, the Lord supernaturally fed her and her son for the remainder of the famine.

Likewise, the Father may ask you to give up something important. Do not fear, but trust Him and let it go. Anything you  hold too tightly you will lose, but what you entrust to Him will surely return a hundredfold. So do as He says and allow Him to prove that He truly is your great and faithful Provider.

Lord, I will obey You, even when what You ask is difficult. I know Your way is best, amen.




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