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Competing Purposes

We can make our plans, but the LORD determines our steps. Proverbs 16:9

 It can be exceedingly frustrating when nothing goes your way. You know what you must accomplish during the day, but from the moment you wake up, you can tell that you will have innumerable obstacles to overcome if you’re going to succeed in your goals.

This is not by chance but to train you. You must come to the place where you understand that your life is in God’s hands and He directs your path (Proverbs 3:5-6).

You may have your plans for today, but the Lord has His own. Your main tension and frustration will come when you work against Him and fail to trust His good purposes.

Friend, don’t fight Him—He always wins. Rather, allow the Father to lead you step by step and leave what you don’t accomplish in His hands. This may make you feel vulnerable, but trust Him anyway—loving others who need you and peacefully accepting the challenges that come. He will help you and position you perfectly to succeed.

Lord, I don’t want to fight You—I want to submit to Your will. Help me obey You and sense Your presence throughout the day. I trust You with my life, Father, amen.

In His presence… accept His purposes for your day.



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