9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Leave It To Him

Commit your way to the LORD, trust also in Him, and He shall bring it to pass.
Psalm 37:5

When a difficult decision arises, the natural response is to examine the consequences you can anticipate. You weigh how challenging the choice will prove, your ability to manage it, and whether it is worth the trouble.

This is all fine until the Lord directs you to step out in absolute faith. When He does, you can expect that the obstacles will appear greater than you can handle and that defeat is sure unless He intervenes. That is the very nature of faith-you must trust Him rather than yourself or your resources.

Is such a decision before you today? Do you sense the Father calling you to take a difficult path? Remember that God has the very best plan for you and there are astounding rewards you cannot possibly anticipate when you submit to Him.

So don’t miss His best because of what you can or cannot see concerning your choice. Rather, obey God, leave the consequences to Him, and expect Him to work powerfully on your behalf.

Lord, I will obey You. I trust Your plan for my life, and I know You will never lead me astray, amen.

In His presence …trust Him to lead you