9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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A Call To Repentance

The sorrow that is according to the will of God produces a repentance without regret, leading to salvation. 2 Corinthians 7:10

There are three words that describe the process of repentance: recognition, agreement, and commitment.

Recognition comes as we study Scripture and learn what God identifies as sin. Until we acknowledge that our actions are wrong, we won’t see any real need to confess them to Him.

Next, we must agree with the Lord’s assessment of our behavior. Without agreement, our confession would be more about the consequences of our sin rather than genuine remorse over violating His holy standard.

Finally, commitment is also necessary. We must dedicate ourselves to turning away from sin by choosing to walk obediently—in the manner God commands—knowing He will empower us to do so.

Remember, Christ promises that when He sets you free, you’ll be free indeed (John 8:36). This means when you belong to Jesus, you can change permanently you can be completely liberated from the bondage that enslaves you. Therefore, repent fully so you can experience the abundant life He created you for.

Lord, I recognize my sin, agree with what Your Word says about it, and commit my life to You, amen.

 In His presence …repent and be cleansed.