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Investing Time

Teach us to number our days, that we may present to You a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12

Time is a precious resource, and there often doesn’t seem to be enough of it. But the truth is, how you invest the minutes and hours you’ve been given demonstrates what’s most important to you.

For instance, consider: Are you distracted by needless pursuits—diversions that have no eternal value—when the Lord is calling you to His higher purposes? Are you choosing entertainment over knowing God through His Word and prayer? Do you spend hours pondering your fears rather than thanking Him for all He’s done and resting in Him? Do you spend more time complaining about others than ministering to them?

The time you have is indeed limited. So the Lord calls you to surrender yourself to His wisdom invest your time in pursuits that are eternally worthwhile such as seeking Him and blessing others. So ask Him, “Lord, how can I spend my life in a manner that pleases You?” He will show you how to employ your time wisely if you’ll listen to Him and respond to Him in obedience.

Lord, teach me to spend my days in a manner that honors You. Thank You for making my minutes count for eternity, amen.

In His presence …give Him your time.