9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Making Progress

Don’t just listen to God’s word. You must do what it says.
James 1: 22

Do you ever feel you should be developing faster in your relationship with God? If so, you may be tempted to work harder and serve more— but that’s not how spiritual growth actually occurs. Yes, you obey the Father when He calls; but it should be out of love, not to earn His favor.

So how is it that some believers mature so much more rapidly in their walk with Jesus than others? The answer is in application— spiritual progress occurs when you actively put the truth you learn to practice.

Remember, the One who saved you is able to teach you to follow Him. Jesus knows exactly what you need to grow. So He constantly reveals His principles to you from His Word, in prayer, via adversity, and through other believers. You know when it happens— a particular Scripture, sermon, or admonition touches your heart profoundly. But here is the key: don’t just remember it; rather, ask the Father how to incorporate it permanently into your life. Indubitably, He is more than happy to honor your request.

Lord, I want to grow closer to You and mature in my faith. Teach me to apply Your Word. I’m ready to learn, amen.

In His Presence… apply the truth.