9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Cling To The Promise

“Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.”
John 20:29 

In the midst of great trials, it’s normal to feel isolated, dejected, and helpless. But remember, you’re not alone. Though it may seem as if all hope is gone, it’s crucial you trust that your powerful Deliverer will be with you always (Deuteronomy 31:8).

There’s no better example of this than the disciples after the Crucifixion. Though Jesus had warned them of what was about to happen, they didn’t fully comprehend it. So when they saw their beloved Rabbi on the cross, they gave in to despair.

Just three days later He rose from the dead and not only restored their faith. He increased it a hundredfold. But how different their time between the Crucifixion and Resurrection would have been if they’d simply clung to the Savior’s promises.

The same is true for you. There will be difficulties when God does not provide you answers but comforts you with, “Trust what I’ve said.” Do not give in to the darkness of the moment, but cling to His Word. Soon enough you’ll see your hopes rise from the grave as well.

Lord, thank You for never leaving or forsaking me. I trust You to turn my moment of mourning to songs of joy, amen.

In His presence… believe He will be victorious.