9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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How Great His Love

God… because of His great love with which He loved us, even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ.  Ephesians 2:4-5

    The Lord Jesus—God incarnate—chose to endure the cross for you. Think about that truth. Crucifixion was the most horrible way a person could die—humiliating, horrifically painful, and reserved for the worst offenders. But realize, it wasn’t only earthly anguish Jesus experienced on the cross—He also felt the unbearable spiritual agony of bearing the sins of the world. For the first time in eternity, He understood the profound hopelessness of being separated from the Father.

    Why would Jesus make such a sacrifice? Because that’s how deeply He loves you. He preferred to suffer an excruciating death among the worst criminals rather than be separated from you.

   So the next time you feel unworthy or unlovable, remember what your Savior endured to save you and keep you safe for all eternity. He laid down His life willingly for you. And even now He holds nothing back so you can know Him. Surely that is reason for you to praise His name.

  Jesus, I am humbled at all You’ve sacrificed for me. Truly, You are worthy of my love, obedience, and praise, amen.
  In His presence … appreciate His sacrificial love