9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Winning The War

Our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the spiritual forces of wickedness. EPHESIANS 6:12

Do you ever feel like you’re engaged in a war? Perhaps situations explode without cause, prompting division, strife, and undue stress, Simple tasks become complicated. Miscommunication abounds. Temptations and frustrations increase. And all the while, you’re bombarded with terrible thoughts of defeat and worthlessness.

Friend, you’re in a spiritual battle, and your enemy is trying to undermine your faith and impede your progress. Satan cannot destroy your soul, but he can demolish your effectiveness. And he does so by building strongholds in your life that influence your thoughts and actions—ultimately enslaving you to sin. Thus he renders you ineffective for the kingdom of God. Don’t fall for his trap.

Instead, defeat the enemy by declaring your trust in God. Allow the Lord to identify strongholds and deliver you from them. Remember who you are in Christ. The Lord is greater than any weapon the enemy can bring against you. So commit yourself to God wholeheartedly and let Him defend you.

Father, open my eyes to the enemy’s strongholds and tactics. Thank You for Your protection and deliverance, amen. 

  In His presence… is ultimate victory