9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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 The world and its desires pass away, but whoever does the will of God lives forever.
John 2:17 

Today, remember that God’s definition of success may be different from the standards you measure yourself by. From early on, you might have been taught that power, wealth, fame, position, beauty, or knowledge determines your worth. However, such a belief is destructive—inspiring pride about the things you’ve accomplished and despair over setbacks and disappointments. That’s no way to live.

The Father, however, does not appraise you according to these faulty, temporary standards. To Him, you’re important, lovable, and valuable even before you’re born. This means success is not about proving yourself but about honoring Him and becoming al He created you to be.

So instead of chasing after what is fleeting and unsatisfying for your worth, seek God’s eternal purposes for your life through an intimate relationship with Him. See challenges as coming from His hand and glorify Him in them. And remember, setbacks here on earth are merely platforms for His praise (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). So trust Him and be assured—those who do His will always succeed.

Jesus, help me do Your will in all things so I may glorify Your holy name, amen.

In His presence… remember He defines true success.