9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Absolutely Convinced

I know whom I have believed and I am convinced that He is able to guard what I have entrusted to Him until that day.
2 Timothy 1:12

Trust God. Believe with every fiber of your being that He will faithfully fulfill His promises. Do not just say, “I hope the Lord will come to my aid.” Do not merely stop at declaring, “I know He can work everything out.” Exhibit the highest level of faith by proclaiming, “I am absolutely certain my heavenly Father will help me—it’s as good as done.”

With such a profound confidence in the Lord, you don’t have to worry. You realize you can endure no matter what happens because of who He is- your faithful God who is able to do all things on your behalf. Absolutely nothing is impossible for Him!

But what if I misunderstood Him? you may wonder. Then the Father will gently correct you. He wants you to know and do His will so He won’t hide His ways from you.

So thank the Lord for answering your prayers. And trust Him completely. Certainly He will fulfill His promises and take care of you regardless of what happens.

Lord, I’m absolutely certain You will help me. Undoubtedly, Your promises are as good as fulfilled!Amen. 

In His presence… believe Him completely.