9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Choose His Peace

“Peace leave with you: My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”
John 14:27 

When you focus on what you can accomplish instead of God’s power, your life will be characterized by defeat and frustration rather than victory, peace, and joy. Perhaps you are discouraged right now. Maybe you’ve been disillusioned by unmanageable circumstances and delayed dreams. But this is a sure indicator that you’re relying on the wrong foundation for you hope and security.

There is only one source of true peace—the Lord God Almighty, who holds the entire universe together. The tranquility of soul He gives is not dependent upon circumstances but upon your personal relationship with Him and your faith in His perfect power, wisdom, and love.

So today and every day, you have a choice. You can either dwell on your limited resources and negative circumstances, or you can choose to trust God. Friend, surrender to Him—because with the Father as your focus, you can face every day with His indescribable peace.

Lord God, I choose to focus on Your wisdom, power, and love instead of my circumstances. Thank you for being my peace, amen.

In His presence… find true peace.