9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Right Hearing

“My people shall know My name; therefore they shall know in that day that I am He who speaks: “Behold, it is l.”
Isaiah 52:6

Sometimes the prevailing question that will continue to burden your soul is: How can I know for sure I’ve heard God correctly? You can trust the Father to show you His will. So in prayer and time in His Word, ask the following questions:

Lord, is what I’ve heard consistent with Scripture? Please show me Your will clearly through Your Word. Jesus, does this fit Your overall plan for my life? God, is this a genuine peace I have in my spirit or am I overlooking something You desire to show me? Father am honoring, obeying, and glorifying you in pursuing this?

If the issue drives a wedge between you and the Savior, then you know it’s not His will. So continue listening to the Lord carefully and do not ignore His promptings. And don’t allow doubt, fear, or sin to keep you from obeying Him. Rather, continue seeking His face until you are absolutely confident you’ve heard His voice.

Father lead me clearly, powerfully, and irresistibly to do Your will. Help me please You with my life, amen.

In His presence… listen carefully.