9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Rock Bottom

He brought me up out of the pit of destruction… and He set my feet upon a rock.
Psalm 40:2 

This is not the end. God knows exactly what He is doing. At times the Lord will allow you to hit rock bottom in order to separate you from destructive dependencies. It’s only when He removes every thing you usually count on that you discover the only real security is in Jesus.

This was the case for the people of Judah. Their land, inheritance, and history were the foundation for their national identity. But when they were deported to Babylon by an invading army and separated from all they knew, they realized their true security was in God alone. And when they had repented and the time was right, the Lord faithfully returned them to the land He’d promised them.

Likewise, the Father wants to set you free from the bondage you have to this world. So when trouble comes, remember that your smartest course of action is to turn to God. He has your best interest in mind, so praise Him and trust He’s using exactly what’s necessary to set you free and plant your feet on solid ground.

Lord, You are my Protector and Provider, my only genuine refuge. Thank You for safeguarding me, amen.

In His presence… discover true security.