9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Trusting In The Silence

“If you believe, you will see the glory of God.”
John 11:40 

When you are desperate for help and direction, God’s silence can feel disheartening. You wonder if He has forgotten you or if He really cares at all.

Certainly, as Martha and Mary waited for their dear friend Jesus to respond to their pleas, they grew increasingly desperate. Their brother, Lazarus, was dying and they knew Jesus could easily heal him. If Jesus would just respond in time, surely Lazarus would be okay. But jesus tarried. And Lazarus died.

However, do not think the delay was because Jesus didn’t love them. He did. Rather, when He finally arrived, He used the opportunity to glorify the Father and deepen their faith by raising Lazarus from the dead (John 11:1-45).

Likewise, God’s silence to you is not to dishearten you but to bring you to a new level of intimacy with Him. So do not despair and do not sin. Keep seeking Him passionately, knowing He will answer you. And He will reward your intense desire for His will with a greater revelation of His character than you’ve ever known.

Jesus, I will trust even when You are silent. I want Your will more than anything, amen. 

In His presence… believe He will answer you powerfully.