9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Eagle-Like Focus

Those who wait for the LORD will gain new strength; they will mount up with wings like eagles. Isaiah 40:31 

Seeking and obeying God can be difficult, especially in a world that is often adversarial to believers. So when you’re tired of the battles and just want some peace, what do you do? Do you give in? Compromise? Or do you find your strength in your Creator?

Scripture is clear if you want to soar, you must take your eyes off of what everyone else is doing and focus on the Father. The eagle is the perfect example. When fish come into view, eagles train their sights on their targets with amazing intensity. Regardless of wind currents or weather, they sweep in with power and precision—their mighty talons successfully gathering their prize.

In a sense, this is your goal as a believer to set your full focus on God. He gives you the strength, precision, and perseverance so you can continue flying and receive your reward (1 Corinthians 9:27).

So when you’re weary, remember to train your sights on the Father. With Him, the victory is always in view.

Lord, I wait on You. Give me Your energy, strength, and focus so I can continue to obey You, amen.

In His presence… gain strength to persevere.