9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Even if my father and mother abandon me, the LORD will hold me close.
PSALM 27: 10 NLT

When others are cruel and unloving, does their criticism distress you deeply, stirring up painful feelings of worthlessness? Do you ever torment yourself with thoughts such as, I’ll never be good enough, or No one will ever love me? If so, you’re likely wrestling with rejection. And when you internalize the brutal words of others and believe their lies about you, it can wound you profoundly.

However, as a believer, you belong to almighty God—who loves you unconditionally, accepts you fully, and enables you to accomplish great things. And because His Holy Spirit dwells within you, you have a powerful Helper in every situation.

So what is the best way to overcome your feelings of rejection? Believe what Scripture says about you and thank God for who He formed you to be. Affirm the truth with your words: “Lord, thank You for making me worthy, accepted, and competent through Jesus.” Certainly He will heal your wounds and give you the sense of worth He created you to enjoy.

Jesus, You’re the One who makes me worthy. Thank You for loving me and giving my life purpose and significance, amen.

In His presence . . . discover your true worth.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F.. Every Day in His Presence (p. 200).